A friend of mine, Mark Raines sent this to me. You can always count on Alabama churches to keep it real.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thus Saith, the Lord?
A friend of mine, Mark Raines sent this to me. You can always count on Alabama churches to keep it real.
Friday, November 16, 2007

As I was reading this story, I was reminded of the courage and gratitude the woman had to have in order to even enter the room. Christ could have rebuked her, but he choose to forgive her sins.
I am grateful for my wife and our two daughters. I am grateful for a God who has brought us to this place.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I Can't "Bear" It
Here in Wisconsin, I am learning that hunting is considered a spiritual discipline. Although, not a hunter myself I am fascinated by the art of it. I mentioned to one of our friends that I would really like to see a bear (in the wild). It just seems like something I should do while living in a bear inhabited place. So I received a call to come and see the bear. Turned out the bear was going to be dinner later on. I still would like to see one that was a little more...alive, but this was pretty cool.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
You Choose The Price

Go buy the new Radiohead album for "Whatever you want" to pay!
"Rockers Radiohead are using an interesting strategy to promote their new album, In Rainbows. The band is allowing fans to pay whatever they want for the record. Fans can go to the Radiohead website and pay as much or as little to pre-order the album before it hits stores on Oct. 10 ..."(Relevant Magazine)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Remedy is Coming

I'm very excited about the new DC*B Album "remedy". Pre-order yours today. That's all I have to say about that.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Where Have All The Good Maps Gone
Today's Tragedy: "Many US citizens do not have maps."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Bury Me Here

Just recently, my wife's grandfather passed away. During our time with her family the discussion came up regarding burial plots. The funeral home was offering her family burial plots at a discounted price at the cemetery. And I was faced with the question, "Where do you want to be buried?"
I had never been asked this question before. So I thought about it, and I'm still not sure.
The idea of having my ashes scattered in Scotland alongside some of my ancestors is certainly the more romanticized version. Then there is the more practical way of looking at it. Pick a place where my family can visit if they so choose.
I feel that even though I won't be around to care where my body is laid to rest, I still would like for it to be some place of significance. Then again I will never know.
Where do you want to be buried?
Friday, August 24, 2007
Quick Update
Shortly after arriving in Rice Lake we received the news that Heather's grandpa had passed away. So we loaded back in the car and drove to Marion, IN. It was so good to be with family again and the funeral was beautiful.
We are settling in and still unpacking boxes. The girls are getting adjusted very well. Ailee was chasing a neighborhood boy with a sword. So that's a good thing.
Red Cedar Community Church is the name of our new church. Heather is on staff as the Pastor of Spiritual Formation and I am the Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts. The other staff pastors are great and the people have been wonderful.
We do miss our friends and families, but rest assure knowing that God has brought us to a fabulous place.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
What is the way of Worship?

In his book, The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice, Mark Labberton talks about "The Real Worship War".
"Our worship should lead us to greater mercy, to costly acts of justice, for those who are the least seen, the least remembered, the least desired" says Labberton.
What is the way of worship?
Is it more conferences?
Is it more choruses?
What will the Church do with the act of worship?
Labberton goes on to say, "We should not fool ourselves into thinking that it's enough to feel drawn to the heart of God without our lives showing the heart of God."
How should the injustices of our world be reflected in how we worship God?
Friday, August 03, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
"Your Gonna Be Somebody" Part 4

[The Condensed Version]
Two years ago I resigned from the church I was working in and pursued a ministry position in Switzerland. I felt the winds of change blowing through the air. I was ready for change, I thought. However, we did not move to Switzerland. We did not move at all. We stayed in the same place. There are lots of reasons that people move and there are lots of reasons that people stay. I was really ready to move, but that just didn't happen.
The church I resigned from was also the church where my father-in-law is the Pastor. We decided that we would continue attending there. I decided that it would not be for long, but my decision was overruled. It was a difficult dynamic for me to attend the church after my resignation. I didn't want to be there. Not because of the church, but because I was supposed to be somewhere else.
Why is it so hard to sit still?
After several failed attempts at finding a ministry job, we decided to stay until my wife, Heather finished her Masters at Nazarene Theological Seminary. She still had two years left. Could I wait two years? It didn't matter. It really wasn't up to me. It took me some time to figure that out.
After a year had passed, I would love to say that I spent my days walking with God and soaking up his infinite wisdom. Instead, I kicked and screamed and threw a toddler sized tantrum. Why? I guess for the same reason my 4 year old throws a "hissy fit". I didn't get what I wanted.
God was patient with me. My family was patient with me. I love my wife. That has not been a very hard thing. I can say that it has been hard to love me, and she has. She has loved me through the most difficult place of my life thus far.
God took me through not just one year of solitude with him, but two years. Two years without the feelings of "purpose" and "significance" I had been so accustomed to. I don't say that as a martyr. It was good for me to disconnect from everything that I felt was so important to be connected to. I needed to connect with my wife and my two fabulous daughters. I needed to connect with my God and allow him to connect with me.
Everything that happened in the last two years, good or bad, consistently communicated who God is and who I'm not. We were in a different place although we had not moved.
This past May, Heather and I received a call from a pastor in Michigan regarding two positions at their church. This was it. We both felt that we were ready to take the step. We wanted to take the step together. This was the turn in the road. After interviewing and being offered the jobs, we accepted and began making arrangements to relocate. A couple of weeks after that the pastor called us during lunch. He regretfully apologized and withdrew the job offers. At least he didn't say, "It's not you. It's me."
We were stunned, shocked, and stupified. What now?
I don't believe that trusting God is easy. I do think it's necessary. That is all we could do. Trust.
An emailed showed up in my inbox a few days before the employment reversal. It was from a pastor in Wisconsin. I informed him of our move to the neighboring state and wished him well in his search. Shortly after the Michigan mishap, I emailed the Wisconsin pastor with hopes that the positions were still open. They were. Heather and I accepted the jobs at the church. It could not be a better fit. I am so humbled and in awe of the way God works. I sincerely mean that. I have been a skeptic. I have been a critic. I can honestly say that as I am typing I know God cares about me and my family. Not because everything "worked out" for me, but because of how it's working outside of me. No doubt.
Your gonna be somebody, but who?
Friday, July 20, 2007
Pink Mermaid Music Review
Things are kind of crazy around our house right now so I haven't hit the blogosphere as much as I would like. We are looking to move to Wisconsin sometime next month, and that whole thing is consuming a lot of our time right now.
I just know how much I appreciate updated blogs and how infrequent my visits are to those that are not. So here is the first official "Pink Mermaid Music Review".
This band is the complete package of great lyrics, great melodies, and great vocals. I love every song on the album, Twilight. These guys are not new to the scene, or to the listening audience. I promise you that this is not just a repackaging of more of the same. Yes, you can hear some of their influences, but they have a sound all to their own. It's a big sound with big vocals and anthems that will elevate the audience to follow this band as long as they will allow it.
I absolutely love this band and this album. Get it. Listen to it. Listen again. Eat. Sleep. Listen to it. Sing loud along with it. Then send me many thanks.
4 out of 5 Mermaids
Future of Forestry
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Natashas - Inside The New Global Sex Trade

I've been reading The Natashas by Victor Malarek. It's taken me a while because it is so brutal and so wrong what is happening to women and children in the sex trade industry. This is an issue that is gaining more attention, but unfortunately is met with more blank stares and shrugged shoulders. Please educate yourself on the issue of Human Trafficking and get involved in ending slavery. People should not be bought and sold.
"In "The Natashas: The New Global Sex Trade" (Viking Canada, $36 Canadian; negotiations are under way for a U.S. print run and an international film), Mr. Malarek estimates that of the 1 million young women sold worldwide for sex every year, one-quarter come from Eastern Europe, including about 100,000 from Ukraine alone." - by Christopher Guly Special to The Ukrainian Weekly
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The World Really is Getting Smaller
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Pink Mermaid's Summer Reading
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Love Wins - Always
Shane Clairbourne
Love Wins - Always
taken from www.sojo.net
The power of community, interdependence, and burden-bearing is so penetrating... It just busts through the pain of loss like grass through concrete. I live with tears in my eyes right now, every moment, mesmerized by this big family we have.
In Iraq some folks taught us a saying in Arabic that translates: "When all is well, it's easy to forget who your friends are. But when things get hard, you will know exactly who your friends are." I have learned once again the depth of their wisdom, a wisdom that comes from many tears. read more
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Weddings and Summer Camp
June 2nd - Congratulations to my brother, Jay and his new bride Meaghan. It was a beautiful wedding and it was so good to see my little brother's face beam when the door's opened and his new wife stood in the entry shining brilliantly. There was also a super cute flower girl who just happened to by my daughter, Ailee.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Get your TOMS
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A single light in the darkness shines

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
when you take me out to the ballgame

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007
A Tale of Three Kings
A friend of mine recently sent me a book. It was one that I had already read, but I gave my copy away and was glad to have another one on my shelf. The book is "A Tale of Three Kings". It is one of my favorites. The author closes in on the relationship between Saul, David and Absalom of the Bible. Three different leaders. Three different kings and three very different responses to authority, power, and God. This quick read is great for anyone who might feel the spears being thrown at you, or maybe considering throwing some spears yourself. ***** (those are my 5 stars).
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Once Upon A Time...

My four year old was playing today with her dolls, Cinderella and Snow White. I couldn't help but overhear her unusual fairytale. I have scripted it out for you below:
(scene - Snow White and Cinderella are chatting with each other before the ball.)
Snow White: Hello Cinderella, how are you?
Cinderella: I'm fine. And what do you think sin is?
Snow White: Sin is when you do something that Jesus doesn't want you to and it makes him sad.
Cinderella: That's right! Good job!
The End
(Prince Charming is in for a big suprise.)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thank you to THE OOZE for the post

Monday, May 14, 2007
"you're gonna be somebody" part 3

"No man is an island, entire of itself" - John Donne
"Living together is an art." - William Pickens
"When he[Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." -Matthew 9:36
I have been thinking lately about my role as a Christian as it pertains to those around me. I am not an island. My choices matter to my relationships. When we talk about being the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world", the primary responsibility is often placed on an individual's ability to recruit followers. I wonder how that looks different in the context of a community today.
What does it mean to "share your faith"?
In the seventh grade I shared the Gospel of Christ to a boy in my English class using an evangelistic tool called "The Answer". He obliged and allowed me to make my presentation. The Answer used verses out of the book, Romans often referred to as "The Roman Road". It eventually unfolded into the shape of a cross with a short prayer at the end for the person to recite in order to receive salvation. My friend decided he would be okay saying this prayer with me. I was so excited and couldn't wait to share the experience with my youth pastor. It wasn't long before a film crew arrived at my church on a Wednesday night and interviewed myself and my youth pastor regarding the effectiveness of "The Answer". The video was then played at a state youth conference in Dallas where I also received an award for "Outstanding Evangelism".
As I reflect on this experience I am saddened by the fact that my friend was not interviewed in the video, nor did he receive any type of award. He didn't even attend the event. In fact, he never even came to our church.
I would say that both of us in that moment were operating out of a sincere heart. He was a good friend of mine. We sat next to each other in almost every class because of our last names. We even got "swats" together in that same English class(on a different day of course). I believe that I valued our relationship, but I felt this tremendous pressure that I would fail as a Christian if I didn't give him "The Answer". It took a long time before I realized that it really wasn't supposed to be about me.
You're gonna be somebody, but who?
It's on our Front Lawns
Over the weekend the Kansas City Star ran a story about a sex trafficking ring that was busted here in the area. The paper listed all of the businesses(massage parlors and ice cream parlors) that were fronts for the operation. I looked up the businesses and was surprised to find one of them located right across the street from our home.
I recently visited Cambodia to learn more about the issue of human trafficking. Our group met with several organizations that are working in different areas to stop this horrible crime. We were reminded that the problem was not merely contained in third world countries, but the stain of slavery is still not removed from the US.
A few months ago I noticed a massage parlor opened up in a strip mall across the street from our neighborhood. I am ashamed to admit that I internally dismissed it as anything improper. I said what I think so many people say to themselves, "Surely not here in this place?" I am glad that the people have been apprehended and legal action has been taken regarding the victims.
I am just so amazed at how this issue is continually being brought to my attention. I wanted to use this post to remind anyone reading this that Human slavery is alive and well today. People are being bought and sold all over the world (even here in America). If something doesn't look right to you, it probably isn't. Investigate, advocate, and use any resource you have to bring attention to Human Trafficking. People should not be bought and sold. Visit these links to learn more about how you can Stop the Traffik!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Four charged with bringing women from China to be prostitutes here
The Kansas City Star
Federal prosecutors today charged four people with transporting Asian women from the east and west coasts to Johnson County to engage in prostitution.
The charges came after a high-profile series of raids Thursday in which 15 women were rescued from 12 massage parlors.
According to federal courts records, authorities received tips that some of those charged today “were coercing, enticing and exploiting Chinese women to reap a fortune for themselves.”
Another tip stated that the women were smuggled from China and rotated out of Johnson County through San Francisco every 20 days.
Those charged today:
•Ling Xu, Zhong Yan Liu and Cheng Tang, who operate two Johnson County shops, China Rose Massage and China Villa, both in Overland Park, and a home that authorities believe was used both for prostitution and to house the women who worked for them.
•Hongmei Madole, who owns Asian Touch Massage in Olathe.
Each is charged with a violation of the Mann Act, a federal law that prohibits the transportation of a woman across state lines for prostitution or other illegal sexual crimes.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors...

-- Hillary Rodham Clinton:
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
-- John F. Kennedy
Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee
And I'll forgive Thy great big one on me
-- Robert Frost
We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies -- it is the first law of nature.
-- Voltaire.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
-- William Blake
I would build a bridge a hundred meters long,
To see the other side of what I did wrong,
Well you say you don't hate me, but I guess that I'm scared,
That with a river between us, you'll no longer care.
-- Marc Gunn, The Bridge.
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
-- Buddha.
4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
-- Ephesians, 4:31-4:32.
What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are.
-- C. S. Lewis.
You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.
-- J. S. Knox.
We have to have a deep, patient compassion for the fears of men and irrational mania of those who hate or condemn us.
-- Thomas Merton.
Every adult was once a child free from prejudice.
-- Mother Teresa.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
-- Mahatma Gandhi.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heal that has crushed it.
-- Mark Twain.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
-- Aesop.
Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
-- Albert Einstein.
Mr. Gorbatchev, tear down this wall!
-- Ronald Reagan.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Another reason not to go to prison...

(a scene from NBC's The Office - "The Convict")
Jim: What'd you do, Prison Mike?
Prison Mike: I stole. ... And I robbed. And I kidnapped... the... president's son. And held him for ransom.
Jim: That is... quite the rap sheet, Prison Mike.
Prison Mike: And I nevah got caught, neither.
Jim: Well, you're... in... prison, but, mmhmm.
Pam: Prison Mike? What was the food like in prison?
Prison Mike: Gruel. Sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair.
Andy: Wow. Prison sounds horrible.
Prison Mike: Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you, Andy. Tanks.
Dwight: Prison Mike. What's the very very worst thing about prison?
Angela: Don't encourage him, Dwight.
Prison Mike: The worst thing about prison was the... was the Dementors. They... were flying all over the place, and they were scary. And they'd come down, and they'd suck the soul out of your body, and it hurt!
Karen: Demen-Dementors like in Harry Potter?
Prison Mike: No, not Harry Potter. ... There are no movies in prison. This is my point! You guys got it soft, and cushy! This place is freaking awesome! The people are awesome! Your boss is nice! Everyone seems to get along! People are tolerant! People who... have jumped to conclusions can redeem themselves! I hope that this scared you. And from me, Prison Mike, to you, I just wanna thank you for listening to me. Letting me be a part of your life today. 'Cause you got a good life! YOu got a good life. A good life. [turns around, takes bandanna off]
Christian vs. Atheist Debate to air on ABC's Nightline

"On Saturday, May 5, I attended the taping for the first-ever Nightline Face Off. In this premiere episode, taped at Calvary Baptist Church in New York City, The Way of the Masterco-hosts Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort debated the existence of God with theRational Response Squad (RSS), founders of The Blasphemy Challenge. (See “The New Atheists Blasphemy Challenge” for my earlier coverage of this venture.)"
Read More of this article here.
Monday, May 07, 2007
the custodian

the custodian
by jeff semple (Dec. 2004)
Underneath my thoughts there lies a greater dream.
Surrounding my body are movements yet unseen.
Inside the well of my soul dwells a deeper stream.
All powers of the Almighty are available to me.
And though I know these things exist in reality,
The only way to move from knowledge to belief
Is to trust in the One who sees what I have not seen.
To love the One who is love and first loved me.
To pray with ears that hear words I cannot speak.
To consider others better than me.
Holding nothing in my hands and taking the time to breathe,
Laughing at something and finding a good book to read,
Taking pictures that last and to remember there's no delete.
Making my way up to the top floor and walking through the CEO's door,
I look across the desk with a sigh of relief.
The man in the chair with a blank stare is not me.
So I pick up my broom and begin to sweep.
Keeping this place clean is what God is teaching me.
"Christian" in all sorts, colors, and practices

Make your way over to my friend, Josh Case's blog and read his thoughts on being a Christian in the world today...
'Christian' in all sorts, colors, and practices - Joshua Case
Sunday, May 06, 2007
new beginnings

Last night we spent some good time with good friends. Darin and Autumn are easy like Sunday morning. We laughed and ate and listened to Darin and my wife interact in seminarian dialect. It was good.
Darin and Autumn(like us) are possibly moving soon to begin full-time ministry in a church.
So I decided I would call attention to this great moment. I proposed a toast with our good friends, a toast to New Beginnings. We didn't have glasses. Instead, we raised our ice cream bowls. They laughed at me, but humored my need to encapsulate the evening.
I enjoy good conversation with good friends. I enjoy a good laugh, even at myself. I enjoy a good meal with good ice cream to follow. I enjoy watching others enjoy the moment. I enjoy transparency. I enjoy my wife's ability to knock me off any kind of platform I think I need to get on.
I enjoy sharing life and living in the context of community. I enjoy this.
So I toast to New Beginnings...whatever that means for you.
Friday, May 04, 2007
come to love

come to love
by jeff semple
come now is the time for the healing
come now is the time for the rest
come now is the time for the giving
a blessing forever blessed
in the song that i don't know
in the words i wouldn't have chose
i hear you whispering
come now, unto me
come to love
come to love waiting
come to mercy
Thursday, May 03, 2007
"you're gonna be somebody" part 2

Will we simply rely on our current achievements and successes as a down payment for a "job well done"?
What does retirement mean for you?
A pastor at our church was reprimanding some kids who were calling the pastors on staff by their first name instead of using the title "Pastor". This particular Rev. has retired from the ministry in the traditional "full-time" role, but continues to serve in the church under various forms of pastoral care duties. I was very disappointed in his message to the children. I think respect is important and certainly pastors deserve to be treated with respect. What I saw and heard was a man wanting what he feels has already gone. The title represents an idea that he is holding onto with both hands. Significance.
I had a good friend, a great friend. His name was Bick. Bick passed away June 16, 2004. I will never forget that day. Bick was and has been the most significant spiritual mentor in my life. He was 83 when he died.
Bick was retired. He was a retired war vet. A retired professor. A retired Pentagon employee. A retired minister. He was not a retired soul. Bick kept his mornings full with appointments to pray with pastors in the community. He didn't just pray with the pastor of his church, but any pastor that invited him. He also met with younger guys, like myself. He put up with our arrogance and our ignorance. He loved to "take us to the wood shed" where he would bring us back down to reality. Bick acquired many titles along the journey of his life. Among them were Dr., Rev., Prof., and Lieutenant Colonel. Titles were not part of his significance. He lived in a way that made his relationship with God significant. He refused to let his life simply fall to "garage projects" and Suduko.
You're gonna be somebody, but who?
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
mini lover

My next door neighbor, Sebastian just bought himself a Mini Cooper. He took me for a spin and now I am hooked. I'm a Mini Lover! And you know...I didn't feel miniature while riding inside of this small automobile. I felt magnificent! This particular Mini hails from Norway (or was it The Netherlands). Covet I will not. Borrow from time to time from grocery runs...I think so! Actually, it's a stick and (save all the machismo comments) I don't know how to drive a non-automatic. So I will just have to settle for riding "Shotgun".
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
ode to hiro

Ode to Hiro
by Jeff Semple
You travel through time and space
To save the earth from danger
Ando is Tonto
and you are the Lone Ranger
The sword you stole from Linderman
gives you the power that you need
now close your eyes hard Hiro
it's time to flee
Flying man cannot help you
Mr. I-sak is dead
You must kill Sylar
before he cuts off your head
Future Hiro has warned you
you know what to do
your hair must be longer
and you need a fu man chu
We applaud you Hiro
you are loved and adored
the world is in your hands
you and your sword
Mondays we're watching
to see where you will go
Peter saved the cheerleader
now you must save the world
Monday, April 30, 2007
"you're gonna be somebody" Part 1

Our pastor is teaching through a series where he is casting the vision for our church to move from "success to significance". Significance is a hot button word in our culture as well as the term success.
Who doesn't want to matter? I know I do. I have dreams and desires about changing the world. I also think about the significant people in my life that through small acts and words impacted my life for good. Significance comes in all shapes and sizes.
The real challenge is "Selfless Significance". How will we be signifcant without being self-serving? And how does God's significance in our lives fit into our definitions?
I remember being at a certain concert listening to a certain Irish band. The certain band leader with his dark sunglasses looked out into the crowd. He pulled this young man up on the stage to play guitar on the next song. The place went bananas as this 20-something guy jammed out to a sold-out crowd in a packed arena. Next, the unknown bandmate made his way up to the mic and belted out the lyrics like he wrote the tune. Immediately the lead singer walked up to this guy and he took off his shades. He looked him straight in the eyes and he[lead singer] said, "Do you know the blues, kid?" The place was dead silent as the veteran musician sized the youngster up and down as if he were looking into his soul. Then he pulled the mic back to his mouth and declared, "You're gonna be somebody!" The place erupted into what I can only describe as a "unified joy". I am still getting goosebumps.
You're gonna be somebody. The words every person would love to hear from a certified "Somebody". In that moment, I wish I could tell you that my confidence was elevated because I follow Jesus and I am already somebody because of Him. That was not my reaction. I immediately began devising a plan on how I could achieve the so-called "Somebody" status. I began to chase after that plan with everything I knew to run with. I ran after that seemingly significant status up until about a year ago.
I was coming home after picking my daughter up from day care (who was 3 at the time). I was feeling especially "nobody-ish" that day. Ideas had faded. Dreams had diminished. Not one passion was really getting off the ground. I didn't see any larger than life rockstars coming up to me and speaking prophetic words of greatness. I only heard a very small voice from the backseat. My daughter said to me, "Daddy".
"Yeah baby", I called back in my best Eeyore impression.
"Daddy, I think you're great!" Immediately my eyes filled with tears and I looked down at this beatuiful little face and I smiled. She was probably extremely confused, nonetheless she hugged back. I said thank you and we walked together inside the house.
What prompted that from my toddler? She thinks I'm great?! All I did was take her home. It didn't make the front page. It didn't top the Billboard charts. It didn't even make our family's Christmas newsletter. However, in that moment I felt significant. And I can honestly say there is nothing that would make me trade places with the guy on the stage. I'm right where I need to be. That's significant.
You're gonna be somebody, but who?
Where did all the chocolate come from?

Where did all the chocolate come from?
Nearly half the world's chocolate is made from cocoa grown in the Cote D'Ivoire, in Africa.
12,000 children have been trafficked into cocoa farms in Cote D'Ivoire
When we buy chocolate we are being forced to be oppressors ourselves as we have no guarantee that the chocolate we eat is 'traffik free'
Traffik Free Guarantee
We want all chocolate companies to be able to stamp onto their chocolate wrappers a guarantee that the cocoa beans have not been harvested by trafficked labour. We can then choose to eat chocolate with a Traffik Free Guarantee.
Diabate and TraorĂ© had left their village in Mali to go to Ivory Coast looking for enough money to afford a bicycle, but they were sold to a man who had paid 50,000 West African Francs (about £50) for the two boys and he wanted the money back—in labour. The boys from Sirkasso met about twenty others in the same predicament and learned that no one was ever paid. They slept in a rectangle-shaped mud hut that initially had windows but when some boys found they could escape during the night, the windows were sealed shut. Diabate and TraorĂ© remember eating mostly bananas, though they would gobble up the cocoa beans, as others did, whenever they got the chance. Many months passed, and the boys forgot what the purpose had once been for this adventure. Life became a struggle to exist, then hardened to despair.
They gave up thinking of escape. They were under constant threat of beatings if they were caught trying to flee—and they had seen several boys treated savagely—they were actually spooked by a belief that they were under a spell. Read more in Carol Off's book "Bitter Chocolate". - stopthetraffik.org
Friday, April 27, 2007
underneath the shade

underneath the shade
by jeff semple
keep me underneath the shade
protected from all the hate
so that i can serenade
without the noise
the glass walls begin to break
the open room is more than i can take
what will become of the window pane
without a voice
everyone is coming this way
everyone is coming this way
reach through the broken space
touch the cracks on the slate
it's been so long since it's looked this way
heal the sores
lift my eyes to see the place
the place we saw the other day
the place you said they couldn't take
so much more
everyone is coming this way
everyone is coming this way
i didn't notice the black rain
it came as a silent pain
though now it has gone away
a closed door
today is a new day
yesterday has no more to say
i'll stay underneath the shade
just like before
everyone is coming this way
everyone is coming this way