Our pastor is teaching through a series where he is casting the vision for our church to move from "success to significance". Significance is a hot button word in our culture as well as the term success.
Who doesn't want to matter? I know I do. I have dreams and desires about changing the world. I also think about the significant people in my life that through small acts and words impacted my life for good. Significance comes in all shapes and sizes.
The real challenge is "Selfless Significance". How will we be signifcant without being self-serving? And how does God's significance in our lives fit into our definitions?
I remember being at a certain concert listening to a certain Irish band. The certain band leader with his dark sunglasses looked out into the crowd. He pulled this young man up on the stage to play guitar on the next song. The place went bananas as this 20-something guy jammed out to a sold-out crowd in a packed arena. Next, the unknown bandmate made his way up to the mic and belted out the lyrics like he wrote the tune. Immediately the lead singer walked up to this guy and he took off his shades. He looked him straight in the eyes and he[lead singer] said, "Do you know the blues, kid?" The place was dead silent as the veteran musician sized the youngster up and down as if he were looking into his soul. Then he pulled the mic back to his mouth and declared, "You're gonna be somebody!" The place erupted into what I can only describe as a "unified joy". I am still getting goosebumps.
You're gonna be somebody. The words every person would love to hear from a certified "Somebody". In that moment, I wish I could tell you that my confidence was elevated because I follow Jesus and I am already somebody because of Him. That was not my reaction. I immediately began devising a plan on how I could achieve the so-called "Somebody" status. I began to chase after that plan with everything I knew to run with. I ran after that seemingly significant status up until about a year ago.
I was coming home after picking my daughter up from day care (who was 3 at the time). I was feeling especially "nobody-ish" that day. Ideas had faded. Dreams had diminished. Not one passion was really getting off the ground. I didn't see any larger than life rockstars coming up to me and speaking prophetic words of greatness. I only heard a very small voice from the backseat. My daughter said to me, "Daddy".
"Yeah baby", I called back in my best Eeyore impression.
"Daddy, I think you're great!" Immediately my eyes filled with tears and I looked down at this beatuiful little face and I smiled. She was probably extremely confused, nonetheless she hugged back. I said thank you and we walked together inside the house.
What prompted that from my toddler? She thinks I'm great?! All I did was take her home. It didn't make the front page. It didn't top the Billboard charts. It didn't even make our family's Christmas newsletter. However, in that moment I felt significant. And I can honestly say there is nothing that would make me trade places with the guy on the stage. I'm right where I need to be. That's significant.
You're gonna be somebody, but who?